Bnei Baruch Africa

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 11/12/19

And these are a handful of my African students, who made a tremendous effort to gather together this past weekend to watch a series of lessons I delivered from Bulgaria as part of our international Kabbalah convention. Yes, you can also learn the wisdom of Kabbalah in Africa.

Next month, I will meet with them and other students from Asia and Australia for a unique online conference. I will broadcast from our studio in Petah Tikva, and they will connect to a global conference call where we will discuss uniting above our differences—the central message of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Win A Bit More For Holiness

laitman_962.1Contraction and expansion are the consequences of the shattering of the common soul of Adam. We cannot just expand at will and emerge from our boundaries. We are always within our desire created by the Creator, but we can use it either in its corrupted or corrected form.

Therefore, expansion and contraction indicate to what extent we can take our corrupted desires and turn them into corrected ones. This is our work. Contraction and expansion happen only in relation to an intention for my own sake or for the sake of bestowal, but inside the same desire.

Each time we win back a little more additional territory from egoism and invert it to holiness, that is, to bestowal. We need to reach the front line where the border between the Klipa and the holiness lies, and try with the help of the Creator, that is, the prayer, our connection, and appeal to the Creator, to push back the forces of impurity and pass this part to the authority of holiness. We need to continue in this way, constantly standing guard over bestowal and further freeing the field blessed by the Creator.1
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/30/19, The Benefit of Moving into a World Ten – Contraction and Expansion” (Preparation for the Convention in Bulgaria)

1 Minute 0:20

Related Material:
Finding The Force That Balances The Ego
The Method To Constantly Increase Love: Kabbalah
Contractions That Precede The Birth Of A New World

World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 4

Laitman_161Reach a new Level of Attainment

Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”: … render us complete satisfaction although we have no perception whatsoever in the essence of the subject.

Furthermore, you have no perception or attainment whatsoever even in your own essence. Everything you know about your own essence is nothing more than a series of actions extending from your essence.

It turns out that what I have is enough for me. If I feel some kind of phenomenon and it completely fulfills my desires and satisfies my questions, then I do not yearn for anything more.

Is it still possible to be infected by further questions? Perhaps somewhere somehow it is possible if we get closer to the Creator and want to acquire His nature. Maybe there we will be able to reach such possibilities of attainment that are higher than our current ones. However, this is a completely different level of the universe, a different level of attainment.

Everyone exists on the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels of nature, including all the people in our world. If a person who studies Kabbalah rises above the animate level, ascends to the level of the Creator and begins to attain this system, he or she feels not only it, but also the causes of all the phenomena.

That is, I do not just feel the Creator, but I reveal His essence, the next level of reality. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah studies. But that is already a top chord.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 9/15/19

Related Material:
World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 3
World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 2
World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 1

The Sign Of Spiritual Connection

laitman_232.06Question: When we watch some programs, we become involved with them and feel the stream of thoughts and feelings. This is already a level of connection.

Why, if I feel the thoughts and desires of others within me, is this a sign of spiritual connection?

Answer: A sign of spiritual connection can only be when I feel rejection from my friends and at the same time I pray for connection between us. Only these two opposing tendencies in me indicate spiritual elevation.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 8/18/19

Related Material:
The System Of Spiritual Connections
The Connection Between Materiality And Spirituality
The Connection Between The Spiritual Way And the Corporeal Way

New Life 292 – An Integral Group, Part 1

New Life 292 – An Integral Group, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

An integral group develops a new vision of the world as round, including everything that appears to be outside within one’s personal life. It means everyone relates to each other as a single family. It is not a commune or socialism. Everything is connected on every level in every area within reality; humanity needs to develop an integral sense through new internal programing so they can perceive this truth. The integral environment influences a person to consider what is good for everyone through exercises, workshops, and activities. Each person shifts their focus from “I” to We” to “One.” Together, we learn how to make the right decisions in life and never make mistakes.
From KabTV’s “New Life 292 – An Integral Group, Part 1,” 1/21/14

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11/12/19

Lesson Preparation

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Lesson on the Topic “Hardening of the Heart – Invitation to Ascend”

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The Ten

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/11/19

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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Unity Convention In Europe—Photos From Bulgaria

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 11/11/19

Nine hundred students, three days, one heart—our international Kabbalah convention held last weekend in Borovets, Bulgaria, took us to new heights. Above differences in languages, cultural gaps and geographical distances, crowds gathered for lessons and discussion circles, and learned to connect. Have a look at the photos. The results are in the radiant faces of the participants.

European Unity Convention In Bulgaria

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 11/11/19

Even if you didn’t attend or hear about the Unity Convention in Europe, stop for three minutes to be wowed by this beautiful summary of our international Kabbalah convention, held in Borovetz, Bulgaria.

900 men and women from across the continent gathered to unite above the many differences that separate people. Together they made it. See the looks, the smiles, the excitement, the tears, and ask – only then will all the good between us be realized

“The Rise Of Anti-Semitism In Germany And The World And Its Solution” (Times Of Israel)

The Times of Israel published my new article “The Rise of Anti-Semitism in Germany and the World, and Its Solution

“We have a Nazi problem in Dresden and have to do something about it,” said a city council member who succeeded with local lawmakers in passing an initiative to declare a “Nazi emergency.” This story is not a throwback to the 1930s in Germany, but a recent occurrence. It is a symptom of the larger problem of white supremacy spreading in major European and American cities, which raises the question: Why are Jews treated by many as a stone in humanity’s shoe? Solving this enigma is a pivotal step to finding a way to remove the uncomfortable annoyance.

But why Dresden in particular? Dresden happens to be a bastion of the far-right political party, “Alternative for Germany,” (AfD) and the birthplace of the movement PEGIDA (“Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident,” in German), which are described as anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and xenophobic.

However, anti-Semitism is certainly not limited to radical right-wing groups. It is prevalent in German society as a whole. More than 25% of Germans agree with classic anti-Jewish tropes, including that Jews have “too much power over the economy,” according to a study revealed last month by the World Jewish Congress. Over 40% said they think Jews “talk about the Holocaust too much,” yet one in four respondents also said it is possible that “something like the Holocaust could happen in Germany again.”

Hatred Against Jews in America

The first anniversary of Pittsburgh’s synagogue attack was commemorated last month. It is a vivid reminder of how hatred against Jews is much more than a matter of hate speech these days. Jew-hatred can materialize in a split second as deadly violent attacks. A man accused of plotting to blow up a Jewish temple was arrested just days ago by the FBI in Colorado. We see close parallels between events in America and Germany with the Yom Kippur attack at the Halle synagogue at the hands of a Neo-Nazi.

“This hatred is real, comes from multiple sources, and is growing,” said the American Jewish Committee’s CEO, David Harris, in response to a recent survey conducted by the Jewish organization which revealed that nearly 9 of 10 American Jews now consider anti-Semitism a problem in the US.

In order to combat the sharp rise in Jew-hatred in both America and worldwide, the Jewish Agency recently announced a far-reaching plan to bolster security systems in 50 Jewish institutions, such as Jewish schools, synagogues and community centers in 24 countries this year in response to global requests for safety support. The goal is to extend this security upgrade to include 40 countries by the end of 2020.

No Jewish Safety Until the Cause of Hatred Against Us Is Solved

Today, we discover our human society to be closed-in on all sides, trapped between global interdependence that connects us, on one hand, and competitive, egoistic interests and indifference that separates us, on the other. This is the exact juncture where anti-Semitism is rooted and where the people of Israel enter the picture.

We were established as a Jewish nation at the foot of Mount Sinai when all our members committed to unite “as one man with one heart.” Immediately thereafter, we were commanded to be “a light unto the nations,” namely to spread the light of unity throughout the world. Since we once experienced brotherly love in the bonds between us, we have the ability to once again unite above our differences and set an example for others who so desperately need such guidance. This is what makes the Jewish people unique, and this example is precisely what the world demands of us during our current times of division and rifts.

Humanity subconsciously feels that we Jews hold the key to a better life for every person on this planet. Such interdependence between the role of Jews and the fate of humanity amounts to the fact that the more we delay in actualizing our role, the more we will be hated.

The Jewish people are essentially a mini-model of humanity, a prototype for universal connection between people. The degree of connection we establish between us is destined to spread and shape the conditions for the rest of the world. When we return to brotherly love between all Jews, the demand against us that manifests as anti-Semitism will vanish.

Rav Kook summed up this essential role of Jews as follows: “The purpose of Israel is to unite the world into a single family.”

Our Life Insurance Is in Our Unity

When our enemies strike they do not ask what denomination of Judaism we belong to, or what our origin is, or whether we are right-wing or left-wing. They simply strike out against us, convinced that the world’s problems will be solved by erasing Jews off the face of the planet. This overriding force of anti-Semitism constantly resurfaces in various guises to compel us to unite during times when we become increasingly remote from being a united people.

Today, instead of exemplifying unity, we radiate divisiveness to the rest of the world. In such a state, the world will always find reasons to hate us and feel justified in trying to destroy us. The precise point upon which our prosperity depends was succinctly expressed by Samuel David Luzzatto: “The success of our nation depends only on our brotherly love, on connecting to one another as members of a single family.”

First and foremost, Jews must be a conduit to transmit an example of cohesion, mutual understanding and solidarity above differences to humanity. By providing a method for uniting above differences and divisions, we will become an enlightening force for the rest of the world. As stated in The Book of Zohar: “Just as the organs of the body cannot exist for one moment without the heart, so all nations cannot exist in the world without Israel.”

Our thoughts and efforts that draw us to unite and in turn soften critical attitudes about each other have the power to evoke a positive force between us, one capable of gradually neutralizing hatred and bringing about balance. This is the power that can protect and lead us toward a good and safe future.