Freedom From The Angel Of Death

Dr. Michael LaitmanWhen I develop my point in the heart into a whole spiritual vessel, within it, I begin to sense the concealed part of reality. That is when I begin to truly identify myself with this newly revealed part of the universe. I feel that I live in this new dimension and receive a greater impression from it than from the corporeal world.

I begin to perceive sensations in my spiritual body, the soul, much more strongly than corporeal sensations (sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch). And even if my body dies, I do not feel it as a loss for I now sense a much more powerful reality, one that is eternal and perfect.

This is what we must come to. This is why it is said that the Torah “frees from the angel of death.” To the degree that we rise above our “undertaker” (our egoistic desire), we free ourselves from the very notion of corporeal death.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/1/10, Kabbalah Learning Approach

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