Questions about Spiritual Work—123

281.02Question: We have many aspirations: unity, adhesion with the Creator, bestowal, and love. What should be the unified desire in which we will unite? Why are we missing the same point?

Answer: Everything you listed is one point, the point of our connection with each other and with the Creator.

Question: If a friend temporarily leaves the group due to disagreements so as not to disturb the others, how should we interpret the Creator’s actions in this event?

Answer: There is no such thing as someone leaving the group to avoid disturbing friends. It means that collectively the quality of connection is insufficient between you.

Question: What does it mean to be like the Creator?

Answer: To be like Him means to be connected with each other and the Creator in one knot.

Question: Can we say that markers of revealing the private governance are my strong feelings in the past, for example, envy that I experienced? Can we use the deficiency from the past, or only to the extent of revealing it in the present?

Answer: Only in the present.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, Writings of Rabash “The Lord Has Chosen Jacob for Himself”

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