Get The Full Package!

282.01Comment: We often come across the fact that we understand you, we want to pass it on to others, but we cannot.

My Response: The process of transmitting spiritual information can be explained in the language of Kabbalah.

The highest attainment takes place inside the vessel (Kli), which is called Ohr Hozer (reflected light). I get a certain upper feeling in the form of Ohr Hozer, and then I pass it on to you.

Basically, I should only give you the coordinates so that you, by yourself, can receive the same higher attainment. I could just tell you what I am thinking right now, meaning give you a direction where to go.
Instead, I myself am passing on to you what I felt and received along with my package of Ohr Hozer. That is, what let’s say cost me 15 years of work, I am passing on to you so that you can somehow perceive it.

This is a microdose of the feeling that I was experiencing at the time when I was explaining it to you, but you still got something and understood precisely because I gave you a complete set, a complete package. And you cannot pass it on because you get direct light in the reflected light and in the desire—all three are packed together. I am passing it to you with the desire, with the light, and with packaging.

All that is needed on your part is some kind of common desire, as it happens during the lectures. This is how I give people some information. In general, not even information, but a feeling, because a person cannot understand the information. He catches certain logic between this and that, some fragments. But in general, we understand that a person perceives with his feelings, and then if he wants to continue, then with logic.

Only when this information ignites him, only then will he turn on the logic, come to us for a series of integral education talks, and start working on his first feeling.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Feelings that Cannot be Conveyed” 2/14/12

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