Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/11/24

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Silence Is a Very Loud Thing

565.01Comment: It is interesting that in Japan, instead of “I love you,” they sometimes say, “You are my silence.”

My Response: Beautiful

Question: How would you comment on that?

Answer: It is clear that they appreciate silence, and that is why they say it that way.

Question: Do you also appreciate silence?

Answer: Yes.

Question: To sit like this and be silent, is that it?

Answer: I can be in silence for eternity.

Question: There are a lot of comments on your videos that it is better to remain silent. Silence is golden, as it is said. And so people ask, “When to keep silent, when to speak?”

Answer: Always keep silent!

Question: But before that, we agree that we will remain silent?

Answer: There is no need to agree, just react that way.

Question: And is this how this chain will continue, you start and then?

Answer: Yes, and everyone will gradually understand that.

Question: Will the state that it is good to be silent come?

Answer: Yes, silence is loud and filled with a great amount of information.

Question: And is that why there is no need for unnecessary information?

Answer: There is no need for unnecessary movement or words.

Question: But what about the good words we express?

Answer: It is all empty.

Question: What about saying “I love you,” for example?

Answer: That is because a woman wants it.

Question: And can the same thing be said silently?

Answer: I would not say anything, but say it if necessary.

Question: “They love with their ears,” they say. Is this correct in your opinion?

Answer: Of course.

Question: So should it be said to a woman?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/24

Related Material:
Silence Preferred
The Power Of Silence
Silent Pledge

Judge All of Humanity to the Scale of Merit

222Comment: In principle, I should judge not only the friends in the ten, but all of humanity to the scale of merit. But this will come gradually. Naturally, it is much harder.

My Response: Yes, you cannot explain to humanity that you are doing this in order to have the right foundation for ascending to the Creator. They may have no desire for this at all, but there is such a desire in the group.

“Make yourself a Rav” means to accept, as a basis, the upper governance, the laws of the Creator, whose purpose is to lead us to ultimate correction. You simply accept this and act upon it.

Secondly, you buy a friend. Thirdly, you judge all of humanity to the scale of merit. In other words, regardless of what happens, you understand that all of this also comes from the Creator.

But initially, all of these actions must be carried out in a small group. Let’s try to create such a group, such a society.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

Related Material:
“Buy Yourself A Friend”
Trust Your Friends, Not Yourself
Give Love

Try to Find a Solution

543.02Question: What needs to happen within us and between us for our prayer to become correct? I would like to know what state we are in when our prayer does not reach the Creator.

Answer: It lacks caring for each other. This is not an easy action because we need to replace our own hearts with those of others.

Suppose there is a friend who involuntarily thinks only of himself. And there is you, who also involuntarily thinks of yourself. How can you exchange desires so that each one thinks in his heart, not of himself, but of the other? You need to think about this carefully. Perhaps you will find a solution.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/16/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 48

Related Material:
One Common Heart Directed to the Creator
Directed Straight to the Creator
Everything Starts From the Connection of the Hearts

The Rod or the Snake

115You find that for Him, faith is not regarded as being of inferior importance. On the contrary, specifically, this path has many merits, but it appears lowly in the eyes of the creatures.

If the rod is thrown to the ground and one wants to work with a higher discernment, meaning within reason, degrading the above reason, and this work seems low, one’s Torah and work immediately become a serpent (Baal HaSulam, Article 59 “Concerning the Rod and the Serpent”).

The serpent is all our vile reasoning. This snake hides inside us, but at the right moment, it shows itself and humiliates a person, inciting pride in him and providing justification for his egoistic actions.

Therefore, one must be careful not to fall into this serpentine state. The environment should create such an illumination around a person that will protect him from this fall into primordial egoism.

One must hold faith above reason as the highest value to prevent the rod from becoming a snake. That is what proper work in the ten should be like.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Staff and the Serpent”

Related Material:
Turning A Snake Into A Staff
The Staff In Moses’ Hand
Guiding Staff