Lock, Restriction, and Screen

628.1Question: How does the lock (Manula) differ from restriction (Tzimtzum) and screen (Masach)?

Answer: The lock, restriction, and screen are three ways to restrict the light that comes to us. In each case, we must know how to use them.

The Manula allows the light to pass into the vessels (Kelim) below, which were unable to receive it previously.

Thus, the lower Sefirot gain the ability to receive light.

The screen can allow the light to pass through to a greater or lesser extent, or it can completely block it, whereas restriction completely blocks the light.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/20/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Lots”

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The Difference Between A Restriction And A Screen
Open Vessel
The Screen Between Us And The Creator

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