The Opportunity to Rise above the Ego

600.01Question: How is egoism displayed in the family?

Answer: Egoism is one’s own exaltation, one’s justification for oneself, and the desire to have power over the partner etc.

Comment: But it is impossible to escape it. Each and every time we reveal between us how much everyone is absorbed with oneself.

My Response: Indeed, the more we advance and try to suppress our ego, the more it grows. Nevertheless, we must gradually rise above it, and for this we need connection with the Creator.

Therefore, we are starting to beg Him to help us and not to leave us because on our own we are very weak and do not believe that somehow we can overcome our selves. We are working in this way day after day. This is a long job.

Question: But we do not always see this connection with the Creator. When the ego is growing, the opposite happens: we build and build and then fall even lower. What can you recommend for these moments?

Answer: You have to understand that when the ego rises, it gives us an opportunity to rise even more above it. This is what the help from the Creator means.

Question: It turns out that the Creator seemingly accepts our work?

Answer: Yes, from each one individually and from both together.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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