If One Falls…

528.01Question: The ten can lead a person to fall and in the same way to rise. Can one friend lift the entire group? And how can this be done?

Answer: No, he cannot. Indeed, in this case, all the friends must completely reset themselves, i.e., cancel themselves and completely adhere to him. And he will cleave to the Creator. Of course, it is possible to do this, but we still need help.

Question: Why does it happen that one person can bring down the whole group?

Answer: It is the same. Take examples from our lives such as climbers working in one team. If one falls, they all fall.

Question: Lately, there has been a feeling of emptiness. I do everything to unite with the ten, but the emptiness only grows. With what thoughts should I feed this emptiness? Or is it better to leave it blank?

Answer: You all have to unite as one ten over this void, and then it will gradually decrease and disappear.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is Regarded as Nourishment”

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