Wisdom Is the Inner Part of Knowledge

226It is said that the light of wisdom means the light of life. This is a feeling of power that fills our heart and mind and makes us more and more like the Creator.

Question: Why is it called wisdom as if it were some kind of knowledge?

Answer: This is really knowledge, knowledge of the general picture of the universe, of everything that happens to us. This is called wisdom, the light of Hochma. And at the same time it is the very energy of life.

The point is that wisdom is an internal part of knowledge. You can know many different details and laws, but wisdom is precisely that part of knowledge that helps us embrace the whole picture of the world, feel it, and see it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is He Will Give Wisdom Specifically to the Wise”

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