Why Do We Have to Be Ashamed of Our Nature?

549.01Question: The reason the creations do not receive pleasure lies in the difference of form between the Creator and the creations. The Creator is giving and the creations are receiving.

This causes shame in creations and as a result the Creator must conceal Himself. But why does a person have to be ashamed if the Creator made him this way?

Answer: The Creator created the property of shame with the purpose that through our own efforts and with His method we would gradually rise from the animate level to the level of the Creator, the highest level in the spiritual world. We must come to this state.

Typically the force from above brings a person to a group. There he sees people similar to him and he wonders: “How can I be connected with them? How can I get closer to them according to the principle “love your neighbor as yourself?’”

This helps him feel what the property of the Creator means and gradually rise to His level.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/5/23

Related Material:
Shame to Face the Giver
Shame Is a Separate Creation of the Creator
Shame Is A Beneficial Quality

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