Don’t Try to Outrun Time

243.01Question: What does it mean that a person examines all his states with the help of faith?

Answer: He rises above himself in faith above reason and feels in what state he is in relation to the Creator and his friends.

Question: But if he is in the right line, feels eternity and perfection, loves his friends and agrees to remain in this forever, how can he go with faith above reason?

Answer: If he is in such a state, then he has nowhere to go. This state simply fills him and that is it. And what to do? Act only through connection with the group. You will succeed if you walk correctly, not along the left or right, but along the middle line.

Comment: But the middle line seems like a rapid change of states between the right and left lines: you feel perfection, then another state; you transition from one to another and no longer understand where the one and where the other is.

My Response: Allow yourself to move forward a bit. Don’t try to outrun time.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/1/24. Writings of Baal HaSulam “Embrace of the Right, Embrace of the Left”

Related Material:
Ascend By Faith Above Reason
Climbing The Mountain Of Egoism
Right And Left Lines

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