Climbing The Mountain Of Egoism

631.1Question: Do I understand correctly that we start working in faith above reason and then after processing our desire we see the friends within reason in our corrected properties? Then a newly revealed Aviut (layer of egoistic desire) again erases everything and we again need to go by faith above reason?

Answer: Aviut does not erase but simply raises you to a higher egoistic mountain, and you must again go by faith above reason, but already a new reason.

Question: If despite my egoism I keep convincing myself that my friends are superior to me, is that enough? Or do I need some more help?

Answer: Start with that and then you will see how to proceed. You will be guided from above. But this is the most correct attitude toward the world. You will begin to see the world correctly, not distorted by your egoism.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/7/22, “Adhering to the Friends” Lesson 3

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