Communicate Directly with the Creator

509Question: How does love for the other lead to love for the Creator?

Answer: How else can one love the Creator? You only can based on the fact that you can practice by loving the other.

When you work on yourself and want to rise to the quality of bestowal and love, it turns out that first you have to get closer to your friends, feel yourself in unity with them, and then, based on this common feeling, you will be able to turn to the Creator.

Question: So there is no way to love the Creator directly? But many people have a feeling that they love the Creator. What is it? An illusion?

Answer: They just say that because their ego pushes them to do it: “A connection with the Creator? No problem, we are friends with Him. I love Him and I want Him to love me.” This is clear. But this is not what is required.

Question: Does the Creator love each of us directly or only through the whole of humanity?

Answer: Each one of us and all of us together, whatever you want, He knows each of us.

Question: Then why shouldn’t we treat Him directly, but through others?

Answer: The fact is that in order to develop the right feeling for the Creator, you must first reach the quality of love for your friends. That is, love for friends is a tool. When you reach this, then you will be able to communicate directly with the Creator.

With your friends, you will continue to be in a state of love, friendship, connection, and adhesion. You will always need them. You yourself will not want to give them up, because this is the Kli, this is the basis from which you come closer to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

Related Material:
From Love Of Created Beings To Love Of The Creator
Directly Through The Friends To The Creator
How to Acquire Love for the Creator

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