Are People Ready to Implement the Law of Love?

528.02Question: Kabbalah says we must create a group of like minded-people where everyone understands the ultimate goal—love of friends. But not everyone is in groups like ours; therefore, they want to apply this knowledge at work and in their family. Is that right?

Answer: If these communities are not prepared to embody the principle of love, it can be wrongly interpreted and eventually serve to divide people.

Preparation for its implementation should be combined with the study of articles explaining why this should be so, why all nature is based on love and not hate, and so on. That is, it takes many hours of education.

Question: Why can’t I find a group of people I can give to without any reward and train this way in order to come to the qualities of the Creator?

Answer: You will not come to the qualities of the Creator because you will not receive feedback from others. As a result, you will not have the strength to give.

You should see an example before you, hear how people talk about it, how they try to get closer to each other and discuss their weaknesses, and understand how their actions are contrary to laws of nature.

Therefore, you must be in a group that understands they are egoistic inside and are studying to become altruistic.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

Related Material:
Love As The Law Of Nature
The Law Of Love In The System Of Adam HaRishon
Love: A Bridge Above Hatred

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