The Ten—The “Telephone” to Talk with the Creator

528.01Question: How do we reveal the Kli to hear the prayer in the ten?

Answer: The more connected you are between yourselves, the more you reveal your connection with the Creator. The work itself is very simple. You just need to strive for unification between you and through that to connection with the Creator every second.

Question: When you lose connection with your friends, your mind tells you that you need to pray for them, but your heart is not ready yet. You want to bestow to them, but you have no strength. At this time should a person ask for the strength to bestow or still to unite with his friends?

Answer: You should still unite with your friends. There is no escape from this. There should be a ten from which we turn to the Creator, ask Him for connection with Him, and He answers us in the same ten.

The ten is our “telephone” through which we talk with the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “He Will Save Them from the Hand of the Wicked“

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