Interconnection against the Evil Inclination

627.2Question: Why is it that we easily hear the arguments of the evil inclination, and then the good inclination comes and we are no longer able to hear its arguments?

Answer: Because our nature is evil, when we hear the arguments of the evil inclination, we accept them as our own.

Question: How does my inner fight with the evil inclination affect the group if I don’t work with it myself, post it, and discuss it in the group?

Answer: No matter how it happens, you still get included in your friends, and they get included in you. You’re connected anyway.

In principle, all people are connected and influence each other, but there are connections that we choose and want to develop, and there are connections that we do not choose and are ready to leave them as they are.
From the Daily Kabbalah 12/10/23, Writings of Rabash the Letter No. 68

Related Material:
Fight Against the Evil Inclination
A War against What Opposes the Creator
The Light of the Creator—Support and Help

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