The Main Purpose of Spiritual Work

275However, one should know that he was given this abundance only so as to gain new strength and be able to grow stronger in the work, that he will engage in the battle of the war of the inclination. Then, each time he is given a temporary rest, meaning upper abundance (Rabash, Letter 26).

Question: What should our main actions be during the rest so we can succeed at the following stage of the war against the evil inclination?

Answer: We need to know exactly what we are stopping for, what goal we choose, how to be connected, and how to move forward.

At the same time, we have the same goal at all stages—merging with the Creator through connecting with each other. But the fact is that we need constantly to check how we are advancing.

The main thing is to get as close to your friends as possible. And when you feel like one man with one heart, then you will be able to turn to the Creator and receive any help from Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/8/23, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 26

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