The Purpose of the Mind

202.0One should say about that, “They have eyes but they see not.” “They” means that as long as one is in multiple authorities, called “they,” they do not see the truth. What are the multiple authorities? As long as one has two desires, even though he believes that the entire world belongs to the Creator, but something belongs to man, too.

Question: Who are these multiple authorities? Is it our physical environment that is far from the truth?

Answer: No, it is ourselves, the power of our egoism, which does not allow us to see the truth.

Question: What must happen in the mind to understand that there is a single truth? Is there some reason for this definition, or is everything decided only by the Creator?

Answer: No, you decide everything when you ask the Creator. This is the purpose of the mind.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?“

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