Questions about Spiritual Work—28

3Question: What is wrong in our current state that dissatisfies the Creator?

Answer: He is not satisfied with our condition. He wants us to draw closer to each other internally all the time, to apply spiritual force, and then all together to draw closer to the Creator.

Question: Why should the suffering of creation be great?

Answer: Real suffering is a feeling of lack of correction. Therefore, the more we advance, the small distances from each other cause us great suffering.

Question: How do we properly undergo corrections so that there is no rejection from each other in the form of suffering?

Answer: In any case, there must be rejections otherwise we will not recognize where else there are qualities that need to be corrected. Egoism must manifest itself because without it we will not understand what to correct.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/23, Writings of Rabash “What Does It Mean that the Creation of the World Was by Largess?“

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