Motivated by Love

527.03But now that he has accustomed himself to work in order to bestow, he is rewarded with delighting in the Creator, and the work itself renders him pleasure and vitality. This is considered that the pleasure, too, is specifically for the Creator (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 20. Lishma [For Her sake]).

In the state of Lishma, meaning working for the sake of bestowing to the Creator, a person feels selfless love for Him. A person receives this quality instead of self-love. He thinks only about how to give contentment to the Creator.

Question: To acquire the quality of Lishma, do I have to make an effort every time and think about the Creator, or does it come to me naturally, just like self-love?

Answer: No, you must constantly make efforts to keep this quality in you. Then, you will already act without effort, motivated by love.

To the extent that you really begin to treat the Creator with love, you will begin to feel Him, His desire, His movement toward you.

Question: When we try to cover everything with love, for example, during conventions, can we all come to Lishma together in this way?

Answer: We can. The forces of the Creator have no boundaries. He can give to everyone at once.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/29/23, Writings of Baal HaSulamLishma [for Her sake]“

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