Material Contact

522.01Question: Usually, when people talk, they make sure to make eye contact. Why do we need to see a person?

Answer: Firstly, a person wants full contact, which is carried out through sight, hearing, smell, and touch. All this is part of our understanding of the subject with whom we are dealing. Therefore, it is advisable to fill yourself with impressions of him. This is our need.

Our common desire consists of Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, Malchut and similar earthly properties: Hochma is vision, Bina is hearing, Zeir Anpin is smell, Malchut is taste and tactile sensations. Naturally, we want to gain all these feelings in order to get to know the interlocutor, to feel him. This is the aspiration of any person.

Ninety-nine percent of our perception of the world occurs through hearing and sight, Hochma and Bina. And tactile sensations, taste, and smell are inherent to us in a very limited range.

The highest information area for us is vision, i.e., against the light of Hochma spreading from the Creator to us. Therefore, it is natural that we are so dependent on it and pay special attention to it when in contact.

How do we usually choose a partner, a person, a spouse? Only through sight! But close your eyes, and you will see a completely different world, you will begin to perceive everything differently.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Limited Vision and Hearing” 11/29/11

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