For the Benefit of People

558Question: In Rabash’s article “What Does It Mean that the Creation of the World Was by Largess,” it is said that when a person connects the name of heaven, i.e., the Creator, with something else, he is eradicated from the world.

How can one turn to the Creator so as not to connect any egoistic desires and intentions with Him, but only to ask for bestowal?

Answer: Only if you ask for the benefit of people and not for yourself, then you will have the right request aimed at ensuring that He fills creation. But the Creator Himself does not need anything.

Question: But when you stand before the king who can give you everything and answer all your questions, how can you not take advantage of this for yourself and ask only for your friends? How does a Kabbalist choose bestowal?

Answer: He gradually gets closer to it by making a restriction, and building a screen and reflected light.

Question: What is the energy that drives us to achieve this?

Answer: The importance of the Creator, His greatness.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/23, Writings of Rabash “What Does It Mean that the Creation of the World Was by Largess?“

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