What Should We Fight For?

543.01Question: In the article “What Is an Optional War in the Work – 2” Rabash often uses terms such as “war,” “authority,” and “singular authority.” What message does he want to convey to us?

Answer: We are always at war because we consist of two contradictory forces. There are people who are just little egoists who think only about themselves like children or animals. They strive only to make themselves feel good.

And there are people who consist of two opposing forces that pull a person in different directions. One force pulls in the direction of bestowal, and the other one in the direction of reception. Existing between them, we must choose the side of the Creator, the side of bestowal.

How is it done? Precisely in the group. That is, war is essentially a choice: what we choose and what we fight for.

Question: There is a quote in the article, This is as it is written (Psalms 42), “My tear has been my bread day and night… .” What does it mean?

Answer: A person is sad while in a broken state, then from this state one gradually begins to draw strength for one’s ascent. Because of the fact that a person repents, one begins to understand that it is from this repentance that one grows. This is a necessary part of the process of spiritual correction.
From  the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/17/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is an Optional War, in the Work? – 2”

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