Under the Condition of Convergence

592.02Question: As animals, we can fight with each other, we can be afraid. And how can we raise the importance and greatness of the Creator so that we break away from our animal, feel that the Creator is the most important thing for us, and so we will put what He wants from us first instead of what our animal is afraid of?

Answer: We can achieve everything only through our connection. The more tightly we connect, the greater height we will reach. There will be nothing to be afraid of, everything will be arranged perfectly and well. But this is only on condition of rapprochement between us.

Question: How can we see where this rapprochement is still lacking?

Answer: Check yourself with your ten; everyone should do so, and you will see that everything will be fine. Everything will be great! Nothing bad will happen!
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/7/23, “Current events in Israel”

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