The Legacy of a Spiritual Teacher

115Question: The spiritual teacher is waiting for his student and preparing himself for him. Is this his life?

Answer: Yes, of course! Baal HaSulam writes this! The teacher prepares for the student to come, and he will pass on the method to him.

When I studied with Rabash, it was absolutely clear to me that I had to prepare to teach. I immediately began recording lessons on a tape recorder, drawing diagrams, and writing what Rabash told me when we were walking in the park. I began to systematize these materials and put them in order.

I knew for sure that I would have to take the method from him and pass it on. I had a clear feeling that I existed in order to receive it from him.

I did not know how many years I would stay next to him, because he was a 70-year-old man when I came to him, but I was sure that after all my ordeal in search for a teacher, I should receive the method precisely from him.

I just did not see anyone else, although I knew many people and was looking for a teacher. But Rabash, in spirit, in approach, in source, in character, in desire, and in readiness, was wholly directed toward spirituality. Therefore, I knew that I was receiving this media packet from him and would have to pass it on. He knew it too. Thus, his entire archive, his whole legacy, was passed to me.

After Rabash died, I immediately opened it to everyone. If someone else had it, he might have kept it and not given it away. Or he could give out one portion at a time for personal reasons, in order to feel that he has it, he is special.

No, I immediately gave all his students copies of the originals so that they could use them. After that, I felt calm; Rabash’s works were not lying inside my desk. I fulfilled my duty to my friends. I gave them everything.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/10

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