The Beginning of a New Historical Development

222To unfold world history along an axis, you would need to take approximately 200 axes in parallel, and on each of them draw what happened in 200 different regions of the world, and explain this by focusing on the progression of egoism, which transformed in such a way in these parts of the world, in the environment, and in the people themselves.

But to describe our entire history in this way, imagine it in myself, yet it is impossible to even begin to verbally express this entire huge picture. We need to take some fragments and describe them. But what for? We will not learn anything from them! We do not need this at all!

We now need only one thing—to understand that we are in a different world, in a different connection with each other, where all these regional and egotistically developing axes have united together into one circle, into one scheme and complete dependence on each other!

We have no idea what this system of complete mutual dependence is telling us—that we are unable to do anything! Not him, her, you, or me; nobody!

What can we do then? The only thing we must do is connect with each other, like this system, which is now manifesting itself before us and inside of us.

Connect with each other?! But can we?! No we cannot do it ourselves. We must only make attempts and then nature, which in the language of Kabbalah is called the reforming light, will begin to unite us. That is all it will do.

And everything else, no matter what we do, is completely in vain!

We must take care to feed ourselves. After all, we humans consist of an animalistic part (body, flesh and bones) and of our inner part, a spiritual part, which must be developed in connection with others.

Therefore, the animalistic part needs to be fed and properly taken care of for everyone. In this, we are absolutely equal. And in the spiritual part, we must connect with each other.

Today we have practically no other task and no other opportunity. This is it; that one-person, egoistic world is over!

We need to understand that the problem is in us; we must change ourselves to be like nature. Just as it is all interconnected, so must we enter into it consciously interconnected with all its other parts.

All previous history was the history of egoistic development. Now begins the story of our mutual development—mutual concessions, mutual support, and mutual attention, up to mutual love.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The History of Human Development” 10/31/11

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