I Want to Feel the Real World!

938.05I really hope that at the congress we will make a big leap toward the creation of our common organ of perception. Then we will begin to feel the upper world in it, the highest existence, the next dimension, called Man, Adam, when I perceive everything not through my animalistic body, but through the organ that I created, through our unity, Adam, before he shattered into small pieces, and now we are gathering them together.

And as soon as we gather them, even in some minimal amount, even 10 to 20 people, we will immediately begin to feel our oneness, and within it we will feel the higher substance, the next level of transformation, the matrix, the network that connects us.

In our world, we only feel the consequences of this common network of connections, we feel how today we are no longer able to break away from each other, that we are in complete mutual interdependence.

By studying the network of connections, we will begin to understand why it works this way, how we can enter into it, control it, be mutually connected when we influence it and it affects us, and somehow, we will start to change ourselves. But not just to change so that I feel better, because the change should not be for my animalistic good, but for the sake of something higher, detached from me, absolutely abstract: “I don’t want to deal with my animalistic body at all!”

I want to start perceiving the real world! Where am I from and where am I going? And I no longer want to perceive this world! Let me see 1% of it, so as not to bump into corners. Ultimately, I want to know the truth: “Where am I? For what purpose? Why? How?” And this truth will help me change and become different.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Congress Is a Spiritual Contribution” 11/29/11

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