Care for the Other as a Norm, Not as a Feat

563It is a well-known fact that “Israel is strong when we treat each other well.” Since the war began, we see examples of courage, self-sacrifice, mutual support, and assistance in the people of Israel. So why did we receive such a terrible blow that is comparable to the Holocaust?

The fact is that there is no real connection from heart to heart. Now, after this blow, people are doing wonderful things for the benefit of the nation. But some time will pass, two weeks, two months, and everything will return to the way it was before, and the confrontation will spill out onto the streets again.

We are struck by the savage cruelty of what happened. But this is not the first time in the history of Jewish people that such a catastrophe has occurred, and we still do not draw any conclusions.

We must realize that cruelty is inherent in human nature, especially toward the people of Israel. After all, it is written in our Torah that we must be the best. The Creator intended it this way that we must set a good example for everyone, and if not, then other nations treat us worse than everyone else.

What should we be the best at? Actually, in everything! And above all, in relationships with each other. We are obliged to help each other, to love and to feel close to each other.

Now we feel this closeness, but only because we are afraid that this will happen again. But as soon as fears dissipate, we will again become indifferent to each other.

A person receives strength for heroic deeds from the feeling that he is doing the good and the right thing. This allows him to go even against the instinct of self-preservation. That is why he is called a man and not an animal, which acts only according to instincts.

We must see examples of how we should all be toward each other in these selfless actions and realize our responsibility to save our neighbors. This is how we must act not only in the hour of disaster, but every day. After all, we must understand that we will always be in an emergency situation until we achieve love for our neighbor as for ourselves, until attention, unity, care, and mutual assistance become commonplace for us, and not a feat.
From KabTV’s “An Inside Look” 10/15/23

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