Become a True People of Israel

933Question: What does our global group have to do to really become an independent nation and feel like the true people of Israel?

Answer: To do this, the only thing we need is to unite among ourselves. We are the ones who have an inner movement to attain the Creator, so we must become one in order to create conditions for His revelation.

Question: What does independence entail? Is it that we always support this flame of love out of responsibility within the group and everything external should no longer be a reason for us to unite?

Answer: Sure. The more we unite internally, the less we will pay attention to the external. So much so that for you, uniting with another person with a different mentality or other external signs will not play any role at all. It all depends on where we are headed.

The Creator gives us all kinds of new external signs so we can understand the interdependence of the whole nature through them, and so its external and internal parts would be absolutely enclosed in our understanding.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/23, Writing of Baal HaSulam “The Nation”

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