A Special Call of Our Time

231.01In order to allow us to attain the essence of creation, its inner strength, which is the Creator, the creation first reveals its shattering to us. Then its elements begin to connect with each other: first atoms, molecules, simple organisms, then the male and female parts of creation.

In the end, the connection reaches not only the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, but also the human level, that is, connection based on characters, views, mutual connection, and the birth of common offspring.

In this way, we develop more and more until we realize the need for an increasingly internal connection between us, and then we discover our oppositeness, mutual hatred, and rejection. The more these forces grow within us, the more we develop within the contrast of these opposites.

This contradiction lies within each of us, opposite desires and problems, because of this we want to unite but cannot do so. This is how we follow the path of our development, connect into different groups, nations, countries, parties, and all kinds of associations, and in this form reach our time divided into nationalities, states, and families.

But now the time has come to go through a very special stage of development and discover that we must rise above all our differences. That is, the unity should no longer be on a corporeal level, but on a spiritual one. This is the call of the times we find ourselves in; it requires us to rise above all contradictions.

Let us hope that we can understand this requirement and implement it so that we can ultimately reach one commonality as one man.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/26/23, Writing of Rabash “The Order of the Work, from Baal HaSulam”

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