When the Disturbances Come

557Question: Each of us has different thoughts and desires. How do we add the right intention on each of them?

Answer: Do not go so deep into every desire. We just want all the desires we work through that lead us forward to keep us in bestowal, in love, and in connection. This way we will move constantly.

We very much welcome disturbances because we are sure that they are all sent by the Creator with one purpose—to bring us closer to Him.

Question: When an obstacle comes, can we add the intention to bring contentment to the Creator to it?

Answer: Of course. We are trying to replace the obstacles that push us apart and distance us from each other with the forces of connection, and this gives special contentment to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/8/23, “Habit Becomes a Second Nature”

Related Material:
Working With Disturbances
Disturbances Are The Creator’s Language
A Disturbance Is Help From The Creator

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