See the Entire Universe

284Question: After the Creator creates all the worlds (concealments), then in the very last, corporeal world, we do not feel Him at all. What does it mean that the Creator is not felt? What exactly do we not feel?

Answer: In the corporeal world we feel ourselves as small desires that want to enjoy the micro-dose of the light that fills them. This fraction of light is perceived as life in our body and nothing more.

And then, when we become acquainted with our potential through the science of Kabbalah, we are given a chance to gradually develop our desires and raise ourselves above them. This is called achieving the quality of bestowal through love of others.

Thus, all our desires become more and more similar to the Creator, and in this state we can begin to understand Him, feel Him, and draw closer to Him. By becoming similar to Him, we can see the entire universe and all the worlds.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/16/23

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