Reread the Sources

563Question: Could you create one product that describes everything and send it around the world?

Answer: No, I cannot. I know from myself that when I was advancing I needed to read Kabbalistic books. There are a lot of good books on Kabbalah in our time, but at the time I started studying there were only The Study of the Ten Sefirot and The Book of Zohar with the Sulam Commentary. Nothing else!

Then, within five years, the “The Giving of the Torah,” letters, and articles by Baal HaSulam appeared. It was possible to start reading something. My teacher gave me his notebook in which he wrote down what he had heard from his father, Shamati. But before that, there was no literature at all.

And what did I do? Anyway, I have read everything in these two sources thousands of times: The Book of Zohar and The Study of the Ten Sefirot.

And now? I am not forcing anyone! When people need it, they will suddenly remember that there is Kabbalah and it really says how to get rid of problems that are worse than death!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You’re Repeating the Same Thing!” 8/13/11

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