Not Destruction but Restoration

276.02Question: Do I understand correctly that if we do not increase love, then ordinary actions are not enough and in any case there will be destruction?

Answer: I do not think there will be destruction. I hope we are going through everything in our intentions, and therefore we should see before us not the destruction, but the restoration of the right relations between us and in them the beginning of the right relations in the whole world.

Question: But Rabash in the article “What is Unfounded Hatred in the Work” writes that they did everything, but did not increase sanctity, and therefore the Temple was destroyed. We also do everything, but if we do not increase love and do not ask for it, will the destruction come?

Answer: No, it will not come. We must believe that the Kabbalists are paving the road for us, and we can restore the correct mutual connection between all the souls.

Question: How can we ask correctly for the treasure of a free gift so that the Creator will give us love, after all?

Answer: This is a special light that descends from above and elevates us above our egoism, above all of our calculations. It turns out that we can connect with each other with the ties of love and friendship, despite our primordial egoism. So it will be; although it is not very simple, and it takes time.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/26/23, The Writing of Rabash “What is Unfounded Hatred in the Work”

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