Common Revelation of the Creator

289Question: People with a point in the heart want to reveal the Creator as good, as Who created and controls us. Will people without a point in the heart come to such a revelation?

Answer: Yes. Everything we do within ourselves and between us is absorbed by a common desire. Therefore, all those living on earth are imbued with a common fulfillment that we want to awaken.

As a result, we will come to a state where the common desire will be revealed, and the Creator will be manifested in it as the only one who fills it.

Question: Does it mean it is possible to push other people to the revelation of the Creator?

Answer: Yes, we are obliged to push each other toward the Creator. It is very difficult for a person to come to the Creator by himself. But if others push him, he will come to this easily and quickly.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, 7/30/23 “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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