Become an Intermediary between the Creator and the Friends

938.02Question: There is a place called “the love of the friends for me” and there is a place called “my love for the friends.” Are these different things?

Answer: Absolutely different. The love of the friends for me is manifested in their desire. “My love for my friends” is in my desire.

But the Creator reveals himself in both places: in my desire for the friends and in the desire of the friends for me.

Question: I suffer that I cannot bestow and bring contentment to my friends, and at the same time I rejoice that the Creator wants and can do it. I want to become an intermediary between the Creator and my friends in order to bring contentment to them. Is this the right desire, and how to come to it?

Answer: Everyone should be in such a state. And then everyone will unite with the Creator and with his friends to be a link between the whole group, everyone in the group, and the Creator. So, that is very good.

Question: How can you give to the group and not see the benefit for yourself?

Answer: With one’s heart. Try to include your friends in your heart and also enter into their hearts. And in this common mutual heart, you will always approach each other until you feel the Creator, that you are in Him and He is in you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/1/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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An Intermediary Between The Creator And The Created Being
The Group As A Spiritual Entity
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