Addressing the Creator through the Group

528.02Question: Sometimes I am in a state where death is better than such a life. The Creator as if highlights the evil within me. I feel very scared by the thoughts that appear. How can I work with this?

Answer: You have a group. Through it, you must turn to the Creator and also through it receive the light from Him. Receiving through a group is much more difficult, but you can bestow only through it.

Question: What does it mean to receive from the Creator through the group?

Answer: In principle, the Creator is a single upper force. He fills the Kli that He created, and it is a great desire to receive. We are parts of this desire and receive from Him. This is how we connect to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/26/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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