A Game of Two Systems

232.05Question: In the Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah it is said that there are two systems: the system of holiness and the system of Klipot (Impure forces). What are they?

Answer: The fact is that the desire originally created by the Creator as a desire to receive can be corrected to a desire to bestow. If the desire to receive is opposite to the quality of light, wants to receive everything into itself, and be filled with light, then the desire to bestow, on the contrary, is similar to light.

And to the extent that it resembles the light, it comes closer to it.

Thus, from the desire to receive created by the Creator, the desire to bestow is formed as well, and we work with these two desires.

Therefore, the system of holiness and the system of Klipot work against each other. The desire to receive and the desire to bestow are opposite each other and play out between themselves either a direct or an inverse relationship to creation.

Question: Does the person not exist here yet?

Answer: The system called Man appears after everything is created and distributed. A person is someone who begins to consciously work with the systems of holiness and Klipot from down below, up.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/30/23

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