50 Gates to the Creator

294.4There are gates that were made for concealing, made to block the lights. They are fifty, carved into four directions, and they became forty-nine gates, since one gate has no side and it is unknown where it is, above or below. For this reason, that gate remained hidden (Introduction of The Book of Zohar, Chapter “Lock and Key”).

We must reach the state of complete revelation of the Creator, which means that the creation acquires all His qualities.

All the qualities of the Creator are 49 gates. And the last, 50th is the most fundamental gate. We must reveal it, and then, once we enter the upper palace of the Creator, we will see, learn, feel, and discover for ourselves what He is, the laws of His nature, and everything that happens in the entire universe regardless of the distances between its various parts. All this will be in us, in our capabilities.

50 gates symbolize the structure of our desire, which consists of five parts of 10 Sefirot each.

We cannot open the 50th gate ourselves. The Creator does it. By the way, the Creator opens all the other gates, but we personally have nothing to do with the last one.

By revealing the 49 gates within himself, a person is in relative connection with the Creator, and in the 50th gate, an absolutely complete connection with Him is accomplished. This is their characteristic.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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