What Is Forbidden to Hear?

528.03Question: When one of your students started talking about the importance of spiritual work due to repetition of actions, i.e., about how it seems to him like a routine, you replied: “We cannot hear what you say.” Why not?

Answer: One should not hear bad things about spirituality.

Comment: But you once said that you can even swear at the Creator

My Response: This is your own business. I do not want to hear it. You go ahead and swear. I said it is better to swear than to forget.

Imagine that you love another person, and sometimes there are all sorts of disputes between you. It is better than cutting off the connection and moving away from each other.

Question: But you hear a lot of similar things when people express their doubts and say: “I do not believe, prove it.”

Answer: This is natural! A person is in concealment! How else can he react?

But when he calls spiritual work a routine and complains that he is tired of this everyday life, then we should not listen to these and other negative statements about spirituality. He can talk to himself, anything can happen. But he has no right to speak to others!

In relation to other people, he must play as in a theater, show himself to be inspired and elated. This is the only way!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Things That are Forbidden to Hear” 1/3/1

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