Rising Above Hatred

232.08Comment: You said there are two kinds of hatred: hatred on the spiritual path and hatred from outside people. Friends in the group face the first kind of hatred, which is a beneficial rejection. But there is also harmful hatred that comes from people on the outside.

My Response: Hatred that comes from people on the outside is a small hatred on a material level. It leads to murder, extermination, and all sorts of problems, but on the animate level. This hatred does not forge, but destroys, like kids in a sandbox who do not play together and destroy each other’s forms built out of sand.

We need to think about the other hatred that arises when we aim to get closer to each other. Then a rejection emerges between us that we need to rise above. This is a particular hatred on the path.

To the extent that you strive for unity, you reveal your nature that resists it and build a connection above it, like laying bricks and rising above this masonry.

That is, hatred is like blocks. You want to aim toward another, but face a wall before you. While climbing this wall to get closer to others, you face yet another wall. You climb it, and there is another wall. And so you rise above the wall until you reach its top.

Therefore, this is the hate that forges; it gives you qualities, strength, and material, and by rising over it, you form a connection. It gives you the property of love and bestowal. After all, this hatred comes to you in all the ways you understand: why you dislike, despise, and repel each other. The reverse side of this, like a glove turned inside out, is love.

Then you understand what love is because, in fact, we do not know what it is. We do not know how to unite or treat each other with kindness. Today, everything is based only on lowly mutually beneficial interactions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Two Kinds of Hate” 12/1/12

Related Material:
In the Middle Between Love and Hate
When Will Hatred Disappear?
Unified By Love Or Hate

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