
232.03Passover means the transition from the feeling of our world that is inherent in every person in this world, to the feeling of the upper world. This is subject only to the Kabbalists.

Passover, like all Jewish holidays, is a purely Kabbalistic holiday. It says that a person jumps from a state of the inability to unite with others to a state when his egoism allows him to do so.

The exit of a person from the authority of egoism to unite with people close in spirit is called Passover.

Question: What allows him to make such a jump?

Answer: Desire. After all, from the beginning of entering Egypt to the end of staying in Egypt, a huge egoistic desire is constantly developing, which does not allow the people of Israel to connect with each other.

The people of Israel must connect in order to reveal the Creator in connection with each other—the quality of bestowal and love. And when a person sees that he has no way to do it, then he feels like he is in the Egyptian darkness. Now he is ready to do anything just to get out of there! This is called the escape, salvation, from Egypt.

If we consider this from the point of view of what happens to a person, because this is usually what Kabbalah says, then we are talking about the quality of a person who is ready to do anything, even throw himself into the sea, just to escape from his egoism, rise above it, and achieve the Creator’s quality of bestowal and love.

He throws himself into the sea, and the sea gives way before him. He goes through it, cuts himself off from the ego, and thus becomes ready to work with it to transform it into altruism, while being above egoism. This is the way out of Egypt, which we celebrate during Passover.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/14/16

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