How Will Humanity Die Out?

293Question: If you imagine the picture of the world in utter chaos, can some community that would live by completely different rules jump sharply out of these sufferings?

Answer: Yes, it could. But suffering will remain to the depth of egoism that exists.

Even if seven and a half billion of the world’s population die, the remaining half billion will go through enormous suffering because all the desires and all the qualities of those seven and a half billion will flow into them.

This remaining half billion will finish the correction, but in very severe agony because the suffering will not be distributed to eight billion. This is a terrible thing!

Imagine that there are only a thousand people around you and you have to absorb all their sores, all their negative qualities, everything that is in them, and live with it now. Your egoism will be a thousand times bigger, or even more, because it is cumulative, combined.

Imagine how many illnesses, sufferings, and blows you alone will have to feel, and your good desire will remain the same—one. These blows will eventually shake you, but not immediately because you will have to realize, feel, and decide for everyone that you cannot remain in this state.

Therefore, do not expect anything good. There will not be a better state in the future if we do not start improving it quickly ourselves. In a world where everything is interconnected, it cannot be otherwise. The interconnection is such that you cannot escape.

Question: So will even those seven and a half billion suffer and leave this state?

Answer: They will suffer within you. This is called Hitkalelut Neshamot, connection of souls. They will not go anywhere, but they will be so integrated into each of us that everyone will have a larger soul.

Therefore, at the time there was a need for the shattering of souls, for their multiplication. Where does the demography come from? On the basis of what it jumps up and down in different countries throughout history? It is precisely because egoism is growing and you need to somehow cope with it.

Adam alone could not correct it. Therefore, it had to be divided into eight billion parts.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How Will Humanity Die Out” 10/20/12

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