From a Higher Level

419Question: Children have a very developed sense of attachment. Suppose a child went to his grandmother’s for the summer, rested, got used to it, and when he leaves, it is like he is being torn away from this forever. But the older a person gets, the easier it is to break these ties.

And for someone who studies Kabbalah, on the contrary, the task is to build up connections as quickly as possible so as not to get stuck in spiritual work?

Answer: Yes, but to do it using what is called “this world.” For him, the whole picture of the universe, the whole system is one, he does not break it. There is nothing to give up, to break away from. It is such an amazing discovery when it all comes down to one single world. And there is nothing superfluous, everything mutually includes and mutually complements each other.

Comment: Moreover, people have different attitudes toward attachments. For example, you can remember the car you sold for a long time, or you can quickly sell it and forget it.

My Response: It does not depend on whether a person is more sentimental or less sentimental, thinks quickly or slowly, but on how much he is engaged in higher or lower things. If he is engaged in high things, then the importance of lower things for him disappears very quickly.

Let’s say he changed cars, changed apartments, but his head is still occupied with some higher problem.

I traveled a lot to different countries. Do you think when I was driving that I felt that I was somewhere? If they told me: “You need to go out to take a photo or a video,” so I went out, walked along the Champs Elysees, or filmed in Berlin near the Reichstag, or in Italy next to the fountains. That is, I did what I was told, and was not eager to see the sights.

And not because I am indifferent to these places, I really love architecture and paintings. I am a man of this world and once I was seriously interested in them. But if you are captured by a higher idea, then all these cities and countries spin like a globe.

I remember how, as a child, when I could not go anywhere, “abroad” seemed to me some kind of magical world, something unrealizable, extraterrestrial. I sometimes remember my childhood performances when we lived behind the Iron Curtain. It is a small pity that today I do not have that aspiration, desire, admiration. Everything is being suppressed by the higher levels I am at, by what interests me now.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Acceleration of Life” 10/27/12

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