Just Try It!

565.01Thus, you see that all these opposite forms in the whole of creation before us, namely the form of operator and operated, the form of the corruptions and corrections, and the form of the labor and its reward are all included in His singular thought. In simple words, it is “to delight His created beings,” precisely that, no less and no more.

The whole variety of concepts is also included in that thought, both the concepts in our holy Torah, and those of external teachings. All the many creations and worlds and various conducts in each and every one stem from this singular thought, as I will explain below in their proper place (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 5, Item 22).

Everything is driven by a singular thought and turns only in one direction—to bring humanity and every person to absolute pleasure. From the Creator’s side, this is the purpose of creation, and He leads people to this, although it does not seem so to us at all.

Question: Why do we not perceive it and see it that way?

Answer: In order to give us the opportunity to work and to correct ourselves.

Question: Was there no other way to do it?

Answer: No. Then we would not want to get out of our state.

Question: We could at least have some sign in all this. How can a simple person who lives, studies at a university, and so on believe this?

Answer: This is true, but there is no other way. How many people from all over the world, out of eight billion, can aspire for the purpose of creation? Just a few. Only the chosen ones.

Question: If a person suddenly hears our program or reads about it in a book, then he has doubts. How does he know that this is the case? You said that in order to receive pleasure you must fulfill one condition —”Love your neighbor as yourself.” But where is the proof? Maybe it will not work.

Answer: You just try it. After all, you try a lot of things in life in order to reach some kind of success. Here, if you reach success, it is absolute. So try it. What do you have to do for this? Just pay with your attitude to the other.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 12/18/22

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