The Sukkot Holiday Initiates the Construction of the Soul

227The holiday of Sukkot symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the soul. The soul begins with the quality of the Creator, the quality of Abraham, which is called Hesed, bestowal, an open heart, where everything is directed toward love for the created beings and toward their benefit.

But of course in this form it is impossible to reach the purpose of creation because in the quality of Abraham there still is no quality of creation, no will to receive, which must be present in all this process. After all, it was for this desire that this process was conceived.

We need to correct ourselves because the thought of creation is to bring a person to the degree of the Creator, to adhesion and equivalence with Him. The quality of Abraham is not enough for that; we need to connect to it the matter of creation, to the will to receive.

The quality of Abraham, Hesed, fills the entire space created by the Creator. There the Creator wants to see all created beings connected with each other in love and unity together with Him. But so far there is no creation. Creation appears only after the birth of Isaac, the will to receive, which connects to the quality of bestowal of Abraham.

Abraham and Isaac are opposite to each other. What is received from their combination is still not enough to reach the purpose of creation and complete adhesion with the Creator, but it is still a huge step that brings us closer to this. This is mainly due to the sacrifice of Isaac, which is the main action performed with this quality, with the will to receive, to which the second day of Sukkot is dedicated.

The forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, and David are not people, but rather, they are the main spiritual qualities that exist in the system created by the Creator, qualities through which we can correct our souls.

Every person also must go through all these changes within himself. First he must completely nullify himself in relation to the quality of Hesed. Then he must awaken his critical attitude a little and allow the will to receive to be revealed. Then he begins to combine the quality of Abraham, Hesed, with the quality of Isaac, Gevura, through faith above reason.

This means that we use our will to receive only in order to establish control of the will to bestow over it. Only in this form do we allow ourselves to work with our egoism. When we correct it that way, the middle line will come out of this, namely Jacob.

How do we make the left line in the ten obey the right? Everyone bows their head and allows the others to be higher. We compete to see who can humble himself the most. The one who is lower than everyone wins the most and rises above all. This is a competition in using will to receive for bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/4/20, “Sukkot

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