An Approach to Changes in the World

631.3Question: There are three main psychological approaches to changes in a person and in the world: 1) This is neither good nor bad. This is life as it is, and you need to cope with it somehow. 2) Any change is an anomaly, a problem that should be solved, no matter whether it is good or bad. 3) Change should be taken according to the principle that everything that is done is for the best.

What is the most correct approach from your point of view? Or maybe there is a fourth approach?

Answer: First we need to find out from the point of view of absolute nature what the purpose is and what my participation in this transformation is. If I can influence it, then I have to do it in accordance with nature.

Question: So do we first need to find out and then how to show an attitude?

Answer: Of course. Absolutely.

Question: How can the wisdom of Kabbalah help a person to correctly cope with all the changes taking place in the world?

Answer: If a person raises himself above his egoism, then he will see the true nature, the true changes, their true purpose, and will understand that he does not need to do anything except what he has done.

Just raise yourself above your ego because human egoism is the only obstacle to the correct perception of nature.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/23/22

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