War Against Concealment

236.01What can you do if you understand with your mind how important it is to feel the greatness of the Creator, but it does not penetrate into your heart? Imagine that you go into the future world and see that there is only the Creator in it, “none else besides Him,” and that everything is full of His glory. This is the true form of reality that is revealed before us.

We need to feel this form now in our state, in this world, so that this whole world of deception and concealment does not obscure the Creator from us. Try to do it! Try to build through your ten such attitudes to everything that happens in the world as if there is no concealment, but only the revelation of the Creator, “none else besides Him.”

This is what our prayer should be about. There is no other prayer other than for the Creator to be revealed as the only force in the world.

Egoism does not let us escape its slavery and it forces us to think about ourselves all the time and does not allow us to see anything else. All the degrees of the spiritual ladder that we have to climb lie in the fact that in every state we annul our egoism, which conceals the Creator’s actions from us and we instead reveal that He alone does all the actions. It was the Creator himself who arranged such a concealment in order to teach us how to rise above concealment and reveal Him.

After all, through our fight against concealment we acquire Kelim, which we do not have now, for revealing the Creator: restriction on our will to receive, the screen, and reflected light, or in other words, faith above reason, love for one’s neighbor, which leads to love for the Creator. That is, we come to annulment of our egoism above which we establish the force of bestowal.

We give the Creator the place to rule over us and He is fighting this war with our egoism. We just need to make room for the Creator in our hearts.

We all have made quite significant progress toward this state. It does not matter that the blitzkrieg does not work, but this is the demand of our time, which obliges us to pull the entire world after us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/14/22, Writings of Rabash “Who Hears a Prayer”

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