Separate Education Or Who To Take The Cue From?

281.01Question: Is it necessary to bring up boys and girls separately?

Answer: The separation of boys and girls will not achieve anything. It will not lead to the correct result unless it is carried out in the system suggested by Kabbalah.

Artificial separation is like two camps, male and female, against each other. It will cause even greater misperceptions of reality and needs and not realizing them in both girls and boys. Perhaps what we have today is still better than such forcible separation.

Question: Recent studies have shown that co-education of boys and girls leads not only to changes in their behavior whereby a boy becomes sort of effeminate, and the woman takes the leading position, but also to a change on the chromosome level.

There is a complete leveling usually of male chromosomes. Scientists explain this by some external factors, but, nevertheless, they already understand that this factor exists. Training should still be separate. But you say that it just won’t help. Why doesn’t that solve the problem?

Answer: And what do you give them by doing that? You are simply moving them apart. That is, you do not allow the male part to mutually influence the female part, and the female part do the same to the male part. Boys no longer get an example in the form of a woman teacher, in the form of a nanny.

As a result, they get male examples. Of course, in the future this, perhaps, will make them more correctly realize themselves. But what are the examples? In what way should he be like a man and who is this man? The man is this collective image. What is it?

And the girls get the example of a woman, they rotate among their girlfriends, play their games together, and so on, that’s right. But who is this woman they are following? What is this image? What does she teach them by her example?

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find such teachers who, in separate education, would give children the correct upbringing.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Lady Gaga Generation” 3/10/10

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