How To Overcome Children’s Addiction To Video Games

531.03Question: The Chinese authorities have banned children from playing video games for more than three hours a week. They are only allowed to play for one hour on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and on holidays from 8 pm to 9. This is how China is fighting with children’s addiction to video games.

It is clear that a lot of video games are harmful to children. For China, such a ban system will work. And for the world?

Answer: Eventually, it will not work for China or for the world. Children, if they are interested, will invent other ways out of this. We will have to make some other game.

Question: But how to get children out of this addiction? They shoot there, kill, do not leave these games and live in them.

Answer: There is no way to get them out of it yet. I don’t see that it is possible to invent something today for all the children to move to something different instead of video games.

Question: If possible, give advice to parents who moan and cry that children do not leave these games, sit for days and nights. What to do?

Answer: The global solution across the Internet is to disconnect! Do something so that you can be on these sites for no more than three hours.

Question: So you are in favor of prohibitive methods?

Answer: Education is always based on the carrot and the stick; otherwise, it is impossible to raise a person from a small animal.

Education is when you eventually impose it on him, and he gradually acquires a different scale of values.

Question: What scale of values should he acquire? What would you like the little man to acquire?

Answer: He must see the task before him. Let’s say at the end of the week or even at the end of the day to provide some work, not heavy, but work that still requires some effort, time, communication, ingenuity, that is, everything that you want to develop in him. And he can’t buy off or take it from someone in any way for any money. Then he will have to not sit for 10 hours in these games, but do this task after all.

Question: And what would you personally like to develop in a little man?

Answer: Real education is an example.

Question: And what kind of father and mother should be in front of him?

Answer: The kind that have a goal in life, and they seriously want to achieve this goal. And they work every day to achieve this goal.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/2/21

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